Ed/Tech must-reads

GenAI for language and marketing, policy approaches and supporting online programs

Ed/Tech must-reads 6th Feb, 2024

GenAI for language and marketing, policy approaches and supporting online programs

Man sits at computer underwater surrounded by fish

Antony Tibbs (ECU) maintains this newsletter as a handy showcase of his own experiments with GenAI and this is a thorough breakdown of his work with the new(ish) voice functionality in ChatGPT. He describes using the ChatGPT app to practice spoken Russian, firstly in free conversation and later discussing an image. While it may not yet match a human practice partner, he reports general qualified success.

10 months ago, Ethan Mollick tested the capabilities of ChatGPT by giving it 30 minutes to generate all the resources needed to launch a product. With the ongoing advances in the technology, including the release of MS CoPilot, he has revisited that challenge, but bringing the time limit down to 1 minute. (Including creating a PowerPoint, market research report and a syllabus in parallel). He describes the process and outcomes and there is a rich discussion afterwards.

JISC established the National Centre for AI in Tertiary Education (UK). This post offers a pretty robust set of questions to ask and issues to consider in developing an institutional response to GenAI. (Which the ACODE report that I mentioned last week tells us that nearly half of Australasian institutes still have work to do on)

This is a US focused article and I must admit, I’m often a little surprised at how far behind US HE seems to be in some regards when it comes to online learning. It highlights some notable gaps in support for students, development of academic staff and institutional communication.