Ed/Tech must-reads 230424

360 degree video, vibe checking ChatGPT, Respectful learning design webinar, George on AI

modern wooden library

Interesting human-free choice from Midjourney for “Respectful Learning Design”

Remember 360 degree cameras? I have seen some nice uses of these tools, moreso with still images, things like interactive tours of science labs or archeological sites. 360 degree video has seemed cool but I never really knew what to do with it. Anyway, Jiang et al. (2024) kept the faith, did a study and found that it offered moderate improvements to learning, chiefly in terms of attitudes and beliefs.

One of the challenges with research about exciting new things is the time it can take to publish. This vibe check of how people were feeling about the introduction of ChattyG drew on tweets between Nov 30 2022 and April 30, 2023. 40% of tweets for positive, 51% neutral and 9% negative. Which kind of resonates - there was a lot of ‘wait and see’ back then. (Probably now too, if you aren’t some ed tech influencer or entrepreneur). Handy time capsule anyway

Relationships between learning designers and academics can be fraught, particularly when the academic doesn’t necessarily want to be there or feels that their teaching practice is under the microscope. Kate Mitchell, Kashmira Dave, Ann Gagne, Stephen Grono, and Meredith Hinze will share their work on making the learning design experience a more collaborative and mutually enjoyable one.

George Siemens always deserves some attention on matters of education and technology. This recent talk at TEDx Southern New Hampshire University explores what makes us human today.